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Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton
Happy Money
The Science of Happier Spending
Wall Street Journal Books, 2014
Money can buy happiness – but only if you spend it right.
Having money won’t make you happier – but spending it might. The right spending habits can produce measurable changes in your physical and emotional well-being. Elizabeth Dunn, an associate professor of psychology, and Michael Norton, an associate professor of marketing, distill their findings in this field into the five principles of “smart spending.” Among their tips: Don’t buy stuff; buy experiences. You’ll get more happiness out of a trip overseas or a visit to a museum because you’ll connect with other people and accumulate memories. This quick, breezy book balances anecdotes and corny jokes with a broad survey of current economic research. getAbstract recommends its tales and advice to those seeking insight into the psychology of spending – your own and your customers’.
About the Authors
Elizabeth Dunn teaches psychology at the University of British Columbia. Michael Norton is on the marketing faculty at the Harvard Business School.
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