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Jeffrey J. Fox
How to Make Big Money in Your Own Small Business
Unexpected Rules Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know
Hyperion, 2004
Small business owners need clear priorities. Sell. Manage money and people. Maintain quality. Set goals. Sell some more.
People start small businesses for many reasons. Sometimes they’re in love with the product - they’ve always wanted to open a store where amateur potters could buy great mud. Sometimes they’ve been itching to run free from life in a big corporation and finally quit to start their own shop. Sometimes they get a pink slip and a bit of severance pay, and can’t find another job, so they decide to start their own business. Whatever the reason, small business owners encounter some common problems. People who are in love with a product may forget how important customers are. People who’ve worked for a big corporation may not realize how many support services they have learned to take for granted. People who’ve run their small business for years may get in a rut and miss opportunities to grow. Author Jeffrey J. Fox’s short, easy-to-read handbook of pithy counsel is for all of them. While his brightly-written advice sounds fresher than it is, getAbstract finds it well worth remembering.
About the Author
Jeffrey J. Fox is the author of How to Become CEO and How to Become a Rainmaker. He is the founder of Fox & Company, Inc., a marketing consulting firm. A veteran of several international companies, he is a frequent corporate speaker.
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