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Kevin Davis
Slow Down, Sell Faster!
Understand Your Customer's Buying Process and Maximize Your Sales
AMACOM, 2011
If you want to increase your sales, focus on how people buy.
Most sales books focus on sales techniques. Not this step-by-step text by sales trainer Kevin Davis, who explains why you need to know your customer’s buying process so you can plan your sales activities – and your sales personalities – accordingly. This makes sense. The more you know about how prospects make their purchases, the easier it will be to sell to them. getAbstract recommends Davis’s savvy sales advice – particularly his specific (if sometimes insufficiently linear) instructions on how to match the buyer’s needs right down the line – to business-to-business sales professionals who work with decision-making client teams, and to those who sell high-end products or services to consumers.
About the Author
Kevin Davis, president of TopLine Leadership, Inc., a sales management firm, is the author of Getting into Your Customer’s Head: 8 Secret Roles of Selling Your Competitors Don’t Know.
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