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Robin Ryan
Soaring on Your Strengths
Discover, Use, and Brand Your Best Self for Career Success
Penguin, 2005
If you do something you like, you will do it well. You also will develop a unique job identity – your personal brand.
Authors who write career-advice books have a problem, because every person's situation is different. Many such books stick to general, tried-and-true pointers, but Robin Ryan takes a different angle: advising job seekers to turn themselves into brands. Her idea is that since people excel at doing the things they like best, you should identify your preferences and promote your strengths. In addition to discussions of everything from personal grooming to finding a mentor, Ryan includes checklists and self-assessment questionnaires that some readers may find helpful. She omits some issues, such as the problems of older job seekers, or those confronted with nepotism and other career blockades, so getAbstract recommends her manual most strongly to young people looking for their first jobs. However, don't ignore it if you're a midcareer manager who is stagnating in your current position.
About the Author
Robin Ryan has appeared on Oprah, Dr. Phil, and many cable and network news programs. She is the author of seven books, including 60 Seconds & You're Hired!; Winning Resumes, Winning Cover Letters and What to Do with the Rest of Your Life. Her articles have appeared in Money, Fortune, Business Week, Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping and the Boston Globe.
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