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The Best Damn Sales Book Ever

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The Best Damn Sales Book Ever

16 Rock-Solid Rules to Achieving Sales Success!


15 分钟阅读
10 个要点速记


What’s the secret to selling? Motivation. Here are “16 rock-solid rules” to send you on the road to amazing sales success.

Editorial Rating



  • Well Structured
  • Overview
  • For Beginners


Warren Greshes is “rock-solid” in covering the basics of selling. Others have explored this territory in greater depth and detail, but Greshes’ rules remind you of all the things you know about selling but have forgotten, or have been too busy to practice. Greshes discusses setting goals, breaking them down into manageable steps, and staying focused and motivated. Greshes also emphasizes selling value rather than product features or price. This book is a good review for experienced salespeople and an informative overview for newcomers. getAbstract believes that anyone who’s selling a product, a service or simply an idea, will enjoy Greshes’ easy-to-read and witty text.


Top Guns

In every organization you’ll find that 10% of the salespeople are outstanding, 80% are average and 10% are terrible. What is the secret of the top 10%? They are motivated and can deal with rejection, because in sales, there is always rejection. The “16 rock-solid rules” are not a “magic formula” for selling, but rather a guide to success, including how to motivate yourself, create a five-year plan, break it down into actionable steps and achieve your goals.

“The First Rock-Solid Rule for Achieving Sales Success”

“Because of their great attitudes, successful salespeople always do more than they’re supposed to do.”

You can learn to sell, but a positive attitude, and enduring allegiance to your clients and your profession are equally important. People associate with winners. They want to feel your commitment.

When Warren Greshes was moving to Chapel Hill, N.C., he called four airport car service companies. Three were reluctant to spend time on the phone answering questions. The fourth company, owned and operated by Wayne Thorpe, not only answered Greshes’ questions, but went out of its way to be helpful. Greshes gave Thorpe his business, which...

About the Author

Warren Greshes cut his teeth in sales working in the garment industry for more than a decade. He’s now a consultant, speaker and radio host.

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