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Anne-Laure Le Cunff
The Doing Deficit
How Deliberate Action Outperforms Passive Learning
Ness Labs, 2024
“Deliberate action” trumps “passive learning.”
Have you ever read numerous books on a single topic but still felt as though you lacked expertise on the subject? If you try to excel based purely on book smarts, your learning curve will plateau quickly. Neuroscientist Anne-Laure Le Cunff posits that “deliberate action” trumps “passive learning,” yet many people lack the will to act. Le Cunff offers tips to overcome your reluctance to act and outlines how, with dedicated practice, you can excel in your field.
About the Author
Anne-Laure Le Cunff is the founder of Ness Labs, a consultancy that focuses on wellness, creativity, and culture in business. She studies neuroscience at King’s College London.
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