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Brian Will
The Dropout Multi-Millionaire
37 Business Lessons on How to Succeed in Business With No Money, No Education and No Clue
Brian Will, 2021
You can run a successful business without an MBA – take it from an entrepreneur who knows.
Starting without money or a formal education, Brian Will – who calls himself a multi-millionaire dropout – founded six highly successful companies in four different industries. In this practical and engaging text, he shares his wisdom and experience so you can avoid the disastrous mistakes that decimate countless new business owners. The 37 business lessons he intersperses throughout the book are exclamation points for his useful, candid advice. Entrepreneurship is difficult and challenging under the best of circumstances, but you can ease your way if you heed the sage advice Will offers in this indispensable guide for entrepreneurs.
About the Author
Sales and management consultant Brian Will owns a growing chain of restaurants in Atlanta.
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