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Benjamin Graham
The Intelligent Investor
The Classic Text on Value Investing
HarperBusiness, 2005
In 1949, Benjamin Graham wrote the seminal book on value investing – and his counsel still rings true today.
This classic book on investing belongs on every investor’s bookshelf. The principles that Benjamin Graham outlines are the very precepts that have guided such great investors as Warren Buffett and such mutual fund innovators as John Bogle, the noted Vanguard Group founder, who wrote this edition’s foreword. First published in 1949, Graham’s text shows a few signs of age, most notably in its discussion of interest rates, investment vehicles such as savings bonds and other time-sensitive subjects. However, those are minor issues. Most of Graham’s counsel on fundamental investing is timeless. getAbstract highly recommends this seminal book to all investors.
About the Author
Benjamin Graham (1894-1976), the father of value investing, was also the author of Security Analysis and The Interpretation of Financial Statements.
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