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Gary Hamel
What Matters Now
How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable Innovation
Jossey-Bass, 2012
Management must change with a changing world, and management guru Gary Hamel has some good ideas.
Prolific management author Gary Hamel blends an almost nostalgic call for ethical action with tips for managing members of the Facebook generation. He cites case studies ranging from Apple to Morning Star to W. L. Gore & Associates. Though the book feels fragmented at times, it is an accessible, smooth read, and the title’s imperative unifies its disparate, passionate pieces. getAbstract recommends this worthy treatise to Hamel fans, managers, innovators, those interested in corporate culture, and managers or workers struggling with change.
About the Author
Gary Hamel, founder of The Management Lab think tank, has written many works on management and innovation, including The Future of Management.
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