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Blaire Palmer
What's Wrong with Work
The 5 Frustrations of Work and How to Fix them for Good
Wiley, 2010
A practical handbook for fixing the minor troubles frustrating employees and managers every day
Anyone who has received a paycheck can relate to the frustrations Blaire Palmer outlines in her useful guide to solving the practical problems of work. Her advice on meetings seems the most practical and easiest to put into use, and Palmer provides similar guidance for other work irritants, including bad leadership and that universal cry: “It’s not fair!” None of the five frustrations seems like a major problem, so the book might feel a bit long. But these are the problems people cite when they complain about work. Eliminate them, and imagine happy employees generating big profits, working productively and feeling fulfilled. getAbstract admits it sounds pie-in-the-sky, but can’t help suggesting that managers – especially middle managers – should give this a try. If nothing else, you’ll reclaim many hours wasted in the boardroom.
About the Author
Blaire Palmer, a leadership coach, is the author of The Hyper-Creative Personality and The Recipe for Success.
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