
Rookie Smarts: Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work

Her last book, Multipliers was great. This is a popular topic at the moment and will probably grow with the influx of young workers. Today, we are faced with an entirely different workscape than the world twenty years ago—data is constantly streaming at us, work cycles are spinning faster and faster, and the knowledge we learned yesterday may no longer be relevant today. In her new book, ROOKIE SMARTS leadership expert Liz Wiseman argues that in our rapidly changing world, experience can be a curse while inexperience can be a blessing. Is it possible that we can be at our best when we are underqualified, doing something for the first time? Over the course of two years, Wiseman interviewed more than 100 managers, surveyed over 200 professionals and interviewed dozens of high-performing rookies to understand how inexperienced people approach work differently than their experienced counterparts. Her research showed that there are four distinct modes of a rookie smarts mindset: • Backpacker – Because rookies are not weighed down, they are more open to new possibilities, explore new terrain and don’t get stuck in yesterday’s best practices. • Hunter-Gatherer – Rookies will seek out experts and return with ideas and resources to address the challenges they face. • Firewalker – Lacking situational confidence, a rookie will take small calculated steps, moving fast and seeking feedback to stay on track. • Pioneer –Keeping things simple and focusing on meeting core needs, rookies improvise and work tirelessly while pushing boundaries.

Liz Wiseman, HarperBusiness, 2014-10-14
语言: 英语


读者David Forry推荐

该摘要由Koni Gebistorf撰写

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