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Brookings Institution Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Brookings Institution at a glance.

8 Report

Machines of Mind

The Case for an AI-Powered Productivity Boom
Martin Neil Baily et al.
Brookings Institution, 2023
8 Podcast
Wendy Edelberg and David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2023
8 Report
Daniel S. Hamilton
Brookings Institution, 2022
8 Report
Tonantzin Carmona
Brookings Institution, 2022
8 Podcast
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2021
7 Report

Twitter and the Federal Reserve

How the U.S. central bank is (and is not) surviving social media
Brian D. Feinstein and Peter Conti-Brown
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Article
Tyler Powell and David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2021
8 Report

Still the World’s Safe Haven?

Redesigning the U.S. Treasury Market After the COVID- 19 Crisis
Darrell Duffie
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Report
Aaron Klein
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Article
Peter A. Petri and Michael G. Plummer
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Report

Is Cash Still King?

Reviewing the Rise of Mobile Payments
Aaron Klein
Brookings Institution, 2020
7 Article

The Post COVID-19 World

Economic Nationalism Triumphant?
Mireya Solis
Brookings Institution, 2020
7 Report
Kristin J. Forbes
Brookings Institution, 2019
7 Report

Marijuana Liberalization and Public Finance

A Capital Market Perspective on a Public Health Policy
Stephanie F. Cheng et al.
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Article
David Dollar and Anna Newby
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Report
Jeffrey Cheng and David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Report

Lost Art

Measuring Covid-19's devastating impact on America's creative economy
Richard Florida and Michael Seman
Brookings Institution, 2020
9 Article

Social Capital

Why We Need It and How We Can Create More
Isabel V. Sawhill
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Article
Grace Enda and William G. Gale
Brookings Institution, 2020
7 Report
Kriston McIntosh et al.
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Report
Jonathan Rothwell and Hannah Van Drie
Brookings Institution, 2020
8 Article
The Brookings Institution
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article
William A. Galston
Brookings Institution, 2019
10 Podcast
David Dollar and Eswar Prasad
Brookings Institution, 2019
7 Article
Aaron Klein and Scott R. Anderson
Brookings Institution, 2019
10 Article

What Jobs Are Affected by AI?

Better-paid, better-educated workers face the most exposure
Mark Muro
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report
Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report

From Saving to Spending

A Proposal to Convert Retirement Account Balances into Automatic and Flexible Income
David John et al.
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Podcast
Andrew Steer and David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report
Sage Belz and David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report
Aaron Klein
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article

Foresight Africa

Top Priorities for the Continent in 2019
Brahima S. Coulibaly (Ed.) and Joshua Miller (Ed.)
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article

Countering the Geography of Discontent

Strategies for Left-Behind Places
Clara Hendrickson et al.
Brookings Institution, 2018
7 Podcast
Richard V. Reeves et al.
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article
David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2019
7 Article
Luciano Canale et al.
Brookings Institution, 2019
7 Article
Ivailo Izvorski and Kenan Karakülah
Brookings Institution, 2019
9 Report
Gilbert E. Metcalf
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article
Homi Kharas
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report

The Common Ownership Hypothesis

Theory and Evidence
Matthew Backus et al.
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Article
Indermit Gill
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Report
Jason Healey et al.
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report

How Many People Will the World Leave Behind?

Assessing Current Trajectories on the Sustainable Development Goals
Homi Kharas et al.
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report
Ryan Nunn et al.
Brookings Institution, 2019
8 Book

The Sovereignty Wars

Reconciling America with the World
Stewart Patrick
Brookings Institution, 2017
7 Report
Ben Bernanke
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report
Adam Triggs
Brookings Institution, 2018
7 Article
Makada Henry-Nickie
Brookings Institution, 2018
9 Report

A Little Respect

Can We Restore Relational Equality?
Richard V. Reeves
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Article
Aaron Klein
Brookings Institution, 2018
9 Report

The Main Street Fund

Investing in an Entrepreneurial Economy
Aaron K. Chatterji
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

A Missed Opportunity to Establish a Sustainable Tax Code
Benjamin H. Harris and Adam Looney
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Article
Dany Bahar
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report
Jared Bernstein
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Article
Adel Abdel Ghafar
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Article
Robert C. Pozen
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report

Opportunity for Growth

How reducing barriers to economic inclusion can benefit workers, firms, and local economies
Joseph Parilla
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Article

Is a growing middle class good for the poor?

Social policy in a time of globalization
Raj M. Desai and Homi Kharas
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Article

Normal Is Over

Europeans hope that the Trump era is an anomaly. But the transatlantic divide has never been so stark
Constanze Stelzenmüller
Brookings Institution, 2018
9 Report

A Policy at Peace with Itself

Antitrust Remedies for Our Concentrated, Uncompetitive Economy
William A. Galston and Clara Hendrickson
Brookings Institution, 2018
8 Report

Impact Bonds in Mexico

Opportunities and Challenges
Brookings Institution and Ethos
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Report
Jay Shambaugh et al.
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Article
Aaron Klein and Martin Neil Baily
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Report
Adam Looney
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Article

NAFTA Renegotiation

Separating Fact from Fiction
Amanda Waldron
Brookings Institution, 2017
7 Article
Hester Peirce
Brookings Institution, 2017
8 Report
Alice M. Rivlin and John B. Soroushian
Brookings Institution, 2017
7 Report

Rightsizing Expectations

U.S. Policy Options for Afghanistan
John R. Allen et al.
Brookings Institution, 2017
7 Report
Homi Kharas
Brookings Institution, 2017
7 Article
Ryan Nunn
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Article
David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Article
Devashree Saha
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report

How Close to Zero?

Assessing the World’s Extreme Poverty-Related Trajectories for 2030
John W. McArthur and Krista Rasmussen
Brookings Institution, 2016
9 Report
Natasha Sarin and Lawrence H. Summers
Brookings Institution, 2016
7 Article
Niam Yaraghi and Shamika Ravi
Brookings Institution, 2016
9 Article
David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report

Driving Sustainable Development Through Better Infrastructure

Key Elements of a Transformation Program
Amar Bhattacharya et al.
Brookings Institution, 2015
7 Report
Jean-Pierre Danthine
Brookings Institution, 2016
7 Report
Jillian Popadak
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
John D. Villasenor et al.
Brookings Institution, 2016
9 Article
David Wessel and Peter Olson
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
Diane Whitmore Schanzenbach et al.
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
David M. Byrne et al.
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Article

Delivering on Economic Prosperity in Israel

How Monopolies Are Hampering the “Start-Up Nation”
Dany Bahar
Brookings Institution, 2016
9 Article
Aaron Klein
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Chapter
Richard V. Reeves
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Article
Kemal Derviş
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Article
Michael W. Klein and Pavel Vidal-Alejandro
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
Leonard E. Burman et al.
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Article
Peter Olson and David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report

Once More Unto the Breach

The Deteriorating Fiscal Outlook
Alan J. Auerbach and William G. Gale
Brookings Institution, 2016
7 Article
Ajay Chhibber
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
Jerry Davis
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Report

Connected Learning

How Mobile Technology Can Improve Education
Darrell M. West
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Report

The News Today

7 Trends in Old and New Media
Elaine C. Kamarck and Ashley Gabriele
Brookings Institution, 2015
7 Report

What Happens if Robots Take the Jobs?

The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Employment and Public Policy
Darrell M. West
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Report
David Wessel
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Report

The Equilibrium Real Funds Rate

Past, Present, and Future
James D. Hamilton et al.
Brookings Institution, 2015
8 Report

Profiling the Islamic State

Brookings Doha Center Analysis Paper
Charles Lister
Brookings Institution, 2014