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Foreign Affairs Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Foreign Affairs at a glance.

8 Article

A Safety Net for the Green Economy

How to Protect Workers Hurt By the Fight Against Climate Change
Simone Tagliapietra
Foreign Affairs, 2021
8 Article

America’s China Policy Is Not Working

The Dangers of a Broad Decoupling
Henry M. Paulson Jr.
Foreign Affairs, 2023
8 Article

An Era of Authoritarian Influence?

How Democracies Should Respond
Thorsten Benner
Foreign Affairs, 2017
7 Article

Antimonopoly Power

The Global Fight Against Corporate Concentration
Barry C. Lynn
Foreign Affairs, 2021
8 Article

Beijing’s Building Boom

How the West Surrendered Global Infrastructure Development to China
Bushra Bataineh et al.
Foreign Affairs, 2018
8 Article

China's New Revolution

The Reign of Xi Jinping
Elizabeth C. Economy
Foreign Affairs, 2018
8 Article

China’s Consumption Conundrum

Can Xi Get Chinese Citizens to Stop Saving and Start Spending?
Damien Ma and Houze Song
Foreign Affairs, 2023
8 Article

Clash of Civilizations?

The Next Pattern of Conflict
Samuel P. Huntington
Foreign Affairs, 1993
7 Article

Confronting Iran

The Trump Administration’s Strategy
Michael R. Pompeo
Foreign Affairs, 2018
7 Article

Congo’s Slide into Chaos

How a State Fails
Stuart A. Reid
Foreign Affairs, 2018
9 Article

East Asia’s Coming Population Collapse

And How It Will Reshape World Politics
Nicholas Eberstadt
Foreign Affairs, 2024
7 Article

Europe’s Hamilton Moment

A New Kind of Federalism for the Continent
Pierpaolo Barbieri and Shahin Vallée
Foreign Affairs, 2017