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MIT Sloan Management Review Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from MIT Sloan Management Review at a glance.

8 Article

Manage AI Bias Instead of Trying to Eliminate It

To remediate the bias built into AI data, companies can take a three-step approach.
Sian Townson
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2023
8 Article

The Surprising Impact of Meeting-Free Days

Many organizations are implementing no-meeting days, but finding the optimal weekly balance requires deliberation
Ben Laker et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2022
9 Article

Toxic Culture Is Driving the Great Resignation

Research using employee data reveals the top five predictors of attrition and four actions managers can take in the short term to reduce attrition.
Donald Sull et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
8 Article

Don’t Let Digital Obsession Destroy Your Organization

Companies and leaders must take a holistic approach to get digital transformation right.
Matthew Doan
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
7 Article
Lynda Gratton
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
8 Article

Are You Ready to Lead Work Without Jobs?

We’re moving toward a system of work design that will profoundly change the roles of organizational leaders
Jonathan Donner and John W. Boudreau
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
7 Article

The Practices That Set Learning Organizations Apart

Companies committed to building workforces equipped for the future apply seven key principles to training and development
David G. Collings and John McMackin
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
7 Article

How Organizations Can Promote Employee Wellness, Now and Post-Pandemic

When leaders take steps to support mental health and wellness in the workplace, it benefits both employees and their employers.
Ben Laker and Thomas Roulet
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
9 Article

Being the Agile Boss

Leading through radical uncertainty means helping your team and your network create the future with you.
Linda A. Hill
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

The Transformational Power of Recommendation

Recommendation engines are revolutionizing how customers buy and employees work.
Michael Schrage
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

Work Without Jobs

We need a new operating system built on deconstructed jobs and organizational agility.
Ravin Jesuthasan and John W. Boudreau
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2021
8 Article

Expanding AI’s Impact with Organizational Learning

Findings from the 2020 Artificial Intelligence Global Executive Study and Research Project
David Kiron et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
7 Article

Four Principles to Ensure Hybrid Work Is Productive Work

Organizations have become more flexible about where and when employees work. Now they need to be more intentional about their choices and trade-offs.
Lynda Gratton
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

When It Comes to Culture, Does Your Company Walk the Talk?

Company practices often conflict with corporate values. Closing the gap starts with communication.
Donald Sull et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
7 Article

The Opportunity Costs of Weight Bias at Work

Weight-based discrimination is a pervasive problem. Here’s how to address it in your workplace.
Enrica N. Ruggs et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

Redefining Performance Management at DBS

How Lofty Ambitions and Innovative Metrics Sharpened Customer Focus
David Kiron and Barbara Spindel
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

Boosting Business Value by Reducing COVID-19 Transmission Risk

New research measuring the value-risk proposition of different business openings offers insights and strategies for how to minimize pandemic transmission risk.
Seth G. Benzell et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

Want to Make Better Decisions, Start Experimenting

Four lessons for using randomized controlled experiments to create value for your company and customers.
Michael Luca and Max H. Bazerman
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

Learning for a Living

Learning at Work Is Work, and We Need to Make Space for It.
Gianpiero Petriglieri
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

How to Sustain Your Organization’s Culture When Everyone Is Remote

The coronavirus pandemic’s office exodus risks diminishing company culture unless leaders take action to support it.
Jennifer Howard-Grenville
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

Marketing Beyond the Gender Binary

Marketers must rethink gender to win the next generations of consumers.
Nick Monroe and Dipanjan Chatterjee
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article
Stephen A. Wilson et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article
Katie Mehnert and Paula Glover
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
7 Article

Are You Managing Your Risks from Social Media?

Many organizations aren’t fully aware of the risks posed by social media or taking enough steps to minimize them.
David Houghton et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

It’s Time to Reset the IT Talent Model

Foster an engineering culture of small teams of high-performance engineers to maximize productivity.
Peter Jacobs et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article
Achim Schmitt et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

Digital Twins Are Reinventing Innovation

From faster and cheaper drug trials to fully “conscious” cities, digital replicas are changing the face and pace of innovation.
Mark Purdy et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

To Disrupt or Not to Disrupt?

Disruption isn’t always the right strategy for startups. It’s a choice.
Joshua Gans
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article
Martin Reeves et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

How Leaders Delude Themselves About Disruption

We’ve known for decades what causes disruption. So why are companies still allowing themselves to be vulnerable? The answer starts at the top.
Scott D. Anthony and Michael Putz
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

A Crisis of Ethics in Technology Innovation

As businesses work to delight consumers, they must also protect the public trust.
Max Wessel and Nicole Helmer
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article

The 11 Sources of Disruption Every Company Must Monitor

Think you’re aware of the forces that might disrupt your company? Your lens may be far too narrow.
Amy Webb
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
10 Article

The New Leadership Playbook for the Digital Age

Reimagining What It Takes to Lead
Douglas A. Ready et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
7 Article

The New Disrupters

By entering the market with products and services that are every bit as good as those offered by legacy companies, a new breed of disrupters is making it harder than ever for traditional businesses to compete.
Rita Gunther McGrath
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
7 Article

Four Skills Tomorrow’s Innovation Workforce Will Need

The young digerati will lead innovation, but they’ll also need to develop business awareness, an entrepreneurial attitude, bottom-line focus, and ethical intelligence.
Tucker J. Marion et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

How Companies Can Respond to the Coronavirus

The companies and employees at ground zero of the COVID-19 outbreak provide insight into what works in a time of crisis — and what doesn’t.
Michael Hudecheck et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article
Adam Waytz
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article

Disruption 2020

An Interview with Clayton M. Christensen
Karen Dillon
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
8 Article

Agile Is Not Enough

By addressing architectural rigidity, closing talent gaps, and adopting a product mindset, leaders can realize agile’s power.
Will Poindexter and Steve Berez
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

Corporate Sustainability at a Crossroads

Progress Toward Our Common Future in Uncertain Times
David Kiron et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
9 Article

Education, Disrupted

Confronting sizable skills gaps, companies have stopped waiting for higher education to meet their rapidly shifting competitive needs.
Michael B. Horn
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2020
9 Article
Daniel Kahneman et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article

How to Become a Strategic Leader

By investing more time in three key activities, new and experienced managers alike can become better strategic leaders.
Julie Zhuo
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article
Adam Grant
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

The World in 2030

Nine Megatrends to Watch
Andrew S. Winston
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article
Patricia J. Guinan et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

A Noble Purpose Alone Won’t Transform Your Company

Leadership behaviors that nurture interpersonal collaboration are the true drivers of change.
Rob Cross et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

The Truth About Corporate Transformation

Empirical analysis reveals that conventional wisdom about big, risky change initiatives is often wrong.
Martin Reeves et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
9 Article

Migration to Innovation

Developing a Technology Plan to Execute Strategic Priorities
Frank Della Rosa et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

You’re Going Digital – Now What?

Enough with the top-down strategizing. Understand how change really happens on the ground – and plan for it accordingly.
Paul Leonardi
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

Three Signals Your Industry Is About to Be Disrupted

It’s safe to say that no industry will be left untouched by digital disruption. Is yours next?
Megan Beck and Barry Libert
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
7 Article

How Algorithms Can Diversify the Startup Pool

Data-driven approaches can help venture capital firms limit gender bias and make better, fairer investment decisions.
Morela Hernandez et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article
Jeanne Ross
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
7 Article

Achieving Digital Maturity

Adapting Your Company to a Changing World
Gerald C. Kane et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
8 Article

Collaborate Smarter, Not Harder

Through analytics, companies can reduce overload, attrition, and other costs of collaboration – and increase its rewards.
Rob Cross et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article
Paul Daugherty
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

Casting the Dark Web in a New Light

By examining cybercrime through a value-chain lens, we can better understand how the ecosystem works and find new strategies for combating it.
Keman Huang et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article

Strategy, not Technology, Drives Digital Transformation

Becoming a Digitally Mature Enterprise
Gerald C. Kane et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2015
8 Article

Creating Digital Offerings Customers Will Buy

Find the sweet spot between what technologies can deliver and what your customers need.
Jeanne W. Ross et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article

The Magic That Makes Customer Experiences Stick

The most memorable experiences are suffused with emotion – not extra features or value for money.
Stefan Thomke
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article
Gerald C. Kane et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
9 Article

Improving the Rhythm of Your Collaboration

Alternating between always-on connectivity and heads-down focus is essential for problem-solving.
Ethan Bernstein et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article
Catherine Bailey and Adrian Madden
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2016
9 Article
David Kiron and Michael Schrage
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

It’s Time to Tackle Your Team’s Undiscussables

Subjects that are consciously or unwittingly deemed out of bounds come in four varieties and make it almost impossible for teams to function.
Ginka Toegel and Jean-Louis Barsoux
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article
Monideepa Tarafdar et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

People and Machines

Partners in Innovation
Senén Barro and Thomas H. Davenport
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

Accelerating Digital Innovation Inside and Out

Agile Teams, Ecosystems, and Ethics
Gerald C. Kane et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article

Older and Wiser?

How Management Style Varies with Age
Julian Birkinshaw et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article
George Westerman et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article
Fabian Reck and Alexander Fliaster
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
7 Article

Nondisruptive Creation

Rethinking Innovation and Growth
W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
8 Article
Damon Centola
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article
Hemant Taneja and Kevin Maney
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article
Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
7 Article
Jacques Bughin and Nicolas van Zeebroeck
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
8 Article

The Big Squeeze

How Compression Threatens Old Industries
Omar Abbosh et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
9 Article
Modesto A. Maidique and Nathan J. Hiller
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
7 Article
Sheila Dodge et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article
Daniel Han Ming Chng et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article

When Patients Become Innovators

Health care consumers are contributing their skills, money, and time to develop effective solutions that aren’t available on the commercial market.
Harold DeMonaco et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2019
9 Article

How Should Companies Talk to Customers Online?

The words service agents use to engage customers often end up backfiring.
Brent McFerran et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article
Donald Sull and Charles Sull
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018
8 Article
Wolfgang Ulaga and Stefan Michel
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2018