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Lauren Berger
Get It Together
Ditch the Chaos, Do the Work and Design Your Success
McGraw-Hill, 2018
What's inside?
Career expert Lauren Berger provides practical tips for managing your life and reducing stress.
Most people today are inordinately busy and feel constant stress, worry and anxiety. Career expert Lauren Berger offers practical tips and valuable advice on how to prioritize your tasks, projects and daily duties; stay ahead of new obligations; avoid common distractions; organize and manage your life productively; and enjoy better relationships. She interviewed productivity, time management, organization and efficiency experts to compile this informative life-management manual. Berger lists her own activities as a helpful guide and provides useful goal-setting and scheduling tools.
About the Author
Lauren Berger is CEO and founder of CareerQueen and InternQueen, two websites devoted to helping people achieve their dream careers. Her YouTube channel has more than 1.2 million views. She also wrote the best-selling books All Work, No Pay and Welcome to the Real World.
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