
Developing Human Capital: Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investments (Wiley and SAS Business Series)

Collectively, your workers are your company's most important and most valuable asset. To make the most of this asset, nothing beats quantitative performance and investment measurement. Learning and Development is an 80 billion-dollar industry, and every valuable employee represents a sizable investment on the part of your company. To keep your business moving forward, effective management of human capital is crucial. It generates plenty of data, and deep analysis of this data helps you provide feedback and make adjustments to capitalize on the combined knowledge, skills, and creativity of your workers. Developing Human Capital: Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investments provides a guidebook for collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data surrounding human capital so you can make the most of your employees' potential.

Gene Pease,, Wiley, 2014-07-21
Língua: Inglês


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July 24, 2014

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August 7, 2014

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Ativado por Elisabeth Nitzsche
March 18, 2015