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McGraw-Hill Resúmenes

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7 Libro

Aléjese para ganar

Un manual para combatir el ‘bullying’ en el lugar de trabajo
Megan Carle
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Libro


Diseñe la cultura de su empresa de forma que se conecte con la estrategia y el propósito para lograr un éxito duradero
Melissa Daimler
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Libro

Decision Sprint

La nueva forma de innovar en lo desconocido y pasar de la estrategia a la acción
Atif Rafiq
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Book

Walk Away to Win

A Playbook to Combat Workplace Bullying
Megan Carle
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

The Lean Turnaround

How Business Leaders Use Lean Principles to Create Value and Transform Their Company
Art Byrne
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Libro

Nunca diga “da igual”

Cómo las pequeñas decisiones marcan una gran diferencia
Richard A. Moran
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

Decision Sprint

The New Way to Innovate into the Unknown and Move from Strategy to Action
Atif Rafiq
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Libro

La revolución de la retención

Siete formas sorprendentes (¡y muy humanas!) de mantener a los empleados conectados con su empresa
Erica Keswin
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

Never Say Whatever

How Small Decisions Make a Big Difference
Richard A. Moran
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Libro

¿Puede hacer esto su servicio de atención al cliente?

Cree una experiencia de cliente anticipatoria que fidelice para siempre
Micah Solomon
McGraw-Hill, 2023

Get Ahead in Your New Job

How to Make an Impact in the First 100 Days
John Lees
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book

The Retention Revolution

7 Surprising (and Very Human!) Ways to Keep Employees Connected to Your Company
Erica Keswin
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Book

Can Your Customer Service Do This?

Create an Anticipatory Customer Experience that Builds Loyalty Forever
Micah Solomon
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Libro


Cómo crear, vivir y vender una marca personal poderosa
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book

Lift Your Impact

Transform Your Mindset, Influence, and Future to Elevate Your Work, Team, and Life
Richard Newman
McGraw-Hill, 2023
9 Libro

Muestre cuánto vale

Ocho estrategias deliberadas para que las mujeres surjan como líderes en el trabajo
Shelmina Abji
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book

One Bold Move a Day

Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential
Shanna Hocking
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Libro

Trabajar mejor juntos

Cómo cultivar relaciones sólidas para maximizar el bienestar e impulsar las ganancias
Jen Fisher y Anh Phillips
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

Don’t Call It Quits

Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Love
Shana Lebowitz Gaynor
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book


Design Your Company Culture to Connect with Strategy and Purpose for Lasting Success
Melissa Daimler
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Sell Yourself

How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

The Bold Ones

Innovate and Disrupt to Become Truly Indispensable
Shawn Kanungo
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

In Control at 50+

How to Succeed in the New World of Work
Kerry Hannon
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book

The New Extraordinary Leader, 3rd Edition

Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders
John H. Zenger and Joseph R. Folkman
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book

Success Is in Your Sphere

Leverage the Power of Relationships to Achieve Your Business Goals
Zvi Band
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Libro

¡No se necesitan explicaciones!

Guía de la mujer para afirmar su confianza y comunicarse para tener éxito en el trabajo
Carol Sankar
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

Show Your Worth

8 Intentional Strategies for Women to Emerge as Leaders at Work
Shelmina Abji
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Make Your Kids Millionaires

The Step-by-Step Guide to Lead Children to Financial Freedom
Loral Langemeier and Kyle Boeckman
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book


How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All In
Steven Van Cohen and Ryan Jenkins
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book

From Impressed to Obsessed

12 Principles for Turning Customers and Employees into Lifelong Fans
Jon Picoult
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

Rogue Waves

Future-Proof Your Business to Survive and Profit from Radical Change
Jonathan Brill
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Libro

A prueba de cambios

Cómo aprovechar el poder de la incertidumbre para construir resiliencia a largo plazo
Adam Markel
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Stop. Think. Invest.

A Behavioral Finance Framework for Optimizing Investment Portfolios
Michael Bailey
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Libro

La empresa intelectual y la física

Cómo las organizaciones líderes combinan lo mejor de lo digital y lo físico
Robert Siegel
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

No Explanation Required!

A Woman’s Guide to Assert Your Confidence and Communicate to Win at Work
Carol Sankar
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

The Automation Advantage

Embrace the Future of Productivity and Improve Speed, Quality, and Customer Experience Through AI
Bhaskar Ghosh et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2021