Aeon Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Aeon.

8 Article


Half-human soldiers, robot servants and eagle drones – the Greeks got there first. Could an AI learn from their stories?
Adrienne Mayor
Aeon, 2016
7 Article

Child’s Play

The authoritative statement of scientific method derives from a surprising place – early 20th-century child psychology
Henry Cowles
Aeon, 2017
8 Article


For big pharma, the perfect patient is wealthy, permanently ill and a daily pill-popper. Will medicine ever recover?
Clayton Dalton
Aeon, 2018
8 Article

Consciousness Creep

Our machines could become self-aware without our knowing it. We need a better way to define and test for consciousness
George Musser
Aeon, 2016
9 Article

Death of Cancer

A critical mass of medical knowledge could soon end the death threat of cancer, but politics stands in the way
Vincent DeVita and Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn
Aeon, 2016
9 Article
Gabriele Oettingen
Aeon, 2016
9 Article
Samir Chopra
Aeon, 2018
8 Article

End of a Golden Age

Unprecedented growth marked the era from 1948 to 1973. Economists might study it forever, but it can never be repeated. Why?
Marc Levinson
Aeon, 2017
7 Article

Everyone Was a Liberal

On the Left, ‘neoliberal’ is an epithet but, not long ago, everyone wanted to be liberal. Will anyone claim liberalism?
Lawrence Glickman
Aeon, 2016
7 Article

Evolution Unleashed

Is evolutionary science due for a major overhaul – or is talk of “revolution” misguided?
Kevin Laland
Aeon, 2018