Figure 1 Publishing Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Figure 1 Publishing.

8 Livre

Le modèle Work-Life Bloom

Comment favoriser l’épanouissement de votre équipe
Dan Pontefract
Figure 1 Publishing, 2023
8 Book

Work-Life Bloom

How to Nurture a Team that Flourishes
Dan Pontefract
Figure 1 Publishing, 2023
9 Book

Dare to Un-Lead

The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World
Celine Schillinger
Figure 1 Publishing, 2022
9 Livre

Devenir un as du planning stratégique

L’art et la science du planning stratégique moderne
Lesley Bielby et Douglas Atkin
Figure 1 Publishing, 2021
8 Livre

La mentalité freelance : un atout pour l’entreprise

Pourquoi une nouvelle génération de salariés pourrait bien être votre arme secrète en période d’instabilité
Jane McConnell
Figure 1 Publishing, 2021
8 Book

The Gig Mindset Advantage

Why a Bold New Breed of Employee is Your Organization’s Secret Weapon in Volatile Times
Jane McConnell
Figure 1 Publishing, 2021
9 Book

Super Strategist

The Art and Science of Modern Account Planning
Lesley Bielby and Douglas Atkin
Figure 1 Publishing, 2021
9 Livre

Diriger. Accompagner. Réussir

Comment devenir un leader influent
Dan Pontefract
Figure 1 Publishing, 2020
7 Book

Leading Meaningful Change

Capturing the Hearts, Minds, and Souls of the People You Lead, Work With, and Serve
Beverley Patwell
Figure 1 Publishing, 2020
8 Book

The Street Savvy Sales Leader

A Guide to Building Teams that Consistently Win New Business
Mark Welch
Figure 1 Publishing, 2018
9 Book

Lead. Care. Win.

How to Become a Leader Who Matters
Dan Pontefract
Figure 1 Publishing, 2020
7 Book

Flat Army

Creating a Connected and Engaged Organization
Dan Pontefract
Figure 1 Publishing, 2018