Nature Résumés

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9 Article

Four Ethical Priorities for Neurotechnologies and AI

Artificial intelligence and brain–computer interfaces must respect and preserve people’s privacy, identity, agency and equality, say Rafael Yuste, Sara Goering and colleagues.
Joseph J. Fins et al.
Nature, 2017
8 Article

Cloud Labs: Where Robots Do the Research

A host of companies provide a remote, automated workforce for conducting experiments around the clock.
Carrie Arnold
Nature, 2023
8 Article

Your Brain Expands and Shrinks Over Time – These Charts Show How

Based on more than 120,000 brain scans, the charts are still preliminary. But researchers hope they could one day be used as a routine clinical tool by physicians.
Max Kozlov
Nature, 2022
8 Article

An AI Tool to Make Clinical Trials More Inclusive

An artificial-intelligence tool called Trial Pathfinder can run clinical-trial emulations using healthcare data from people with cancer, and can learn how to optimize trial-inclusion eligibility criteria, while maintaining patient safety.
Chunhua Weng and James R. Rogers
Nature, 2021
10 Article

The Entangled Web

Quantum physics can already make communications super-secure. But exploiting some of its strangest properties could take these networks to the next level.
Davide Castelvecchi
Nature, 2018
10 Article

Deep-Sea Dilemma

Mining the ocean floor could solve mineral shortages – and lead to epic extinctions in some of the most remote ecosystems on Earth.
Olive Heffernan
Nature, 2019
8 Article

The Brain Inflamed

The brain’s immune system could be provoking Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases. Can scientists get it back in check?
Alison Abbott
Nature, 2018
8 Article
James Zou et al.
Nature, 2019
9 Article

Comment la transition énergétique influencera la géopolitique

Pour Andreas Goldthau, Kirsten Westphal et leurs collègues, le passage à une économie faible en carbone engendrera des rivalités, des gagnants et des perdants.
Kirsten Westphal et al.
Nature, 2019
9 Article

Resisting the Rise of Facial Recognition

Growing use of surveillance technology has prompted calls for bans and stricter regulation.
Antoaneta Roussi and Richard Van Noorden
Nature, 2020
8 Article

Cybersecurity Needs Women

Safeguarding our lives online requires skills and experiences that lie beyond masculine stereotypes of the hacker and soldier, says Winifred R. Poster.
Winifred R. Poster
Nature, 2018
8 Article

Medicines on Demand

The next big revolution in pharmaceuticals could be miniature production systems – small enough to fit in a briefcase.
Carrie Arnold
Nature, 2019