Pearson Education Limited Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Pearson Education Limited.

9 Book

Fast Projects

Project Management When Time Is Short
Fergus O'Connell
Pearson Education Limited, 2009
6 Livre

La promesse

Dites adieu aux pensées négatives
Graham W. Price
Pearson Education Limited, 2013
8 Livre

Le coach du conférencier

60 secrets qui rendront vos discours, conférences et présentations exceptionnels
Graham Shaw
Pearson Education Limited, 2019
9 Livre

Les projets à exécution rapide

Gérer un projet dans des temps record
Fergus O'Connell
Pearson Education Limited, 2009
8 Book

Stand Out

5 Key Skills to Advance Your Career
Debra Stevens
Pearson Education Limited, 2021
8 Book

The Definitive Guide to Business Finance

What Smart Managers Do with the Numbers
Richard Stutely
Pearson Education Limited, 2008
6 Book

The Promise

Never Have a Negative Thought Again
Graham W. Price
Pearson Education Limited, 2013
8 Book

The Speaker’s Coach

60 Secrets to Make Your Talk, Speech or Presentation Amazing
Graham Shaw
Pearson Education Limited, 2019