Resumos – MIT Press

Tenha uma visão geral de todos os resumos de MIT Press.

9 Book

The Creative Brain

Myths and Truths
Anna Abraham
MIT Press, 2024
8 Book

The Biology of Kindness

Six Daily Choices for Health, Well-Being, and Longevity
Immaculata De Vivo and Daniel Lumera
MIT Press, 2024
8 Livro

A Biologia da Bondade

Seis escolhas diárias para amplificar a saúde, bem-estar e longevidade
Immaculata De Vivo e Daniel Lumera
MIT Press, 2024
8 Book

The AI Playbook

Mastering the Rare Art of Machine Learning Deployment
Eric Siegel
MIT Press, 2024
8 Book

The Value of Values

How Leaders Can Grow Their Businesses and Enhance Their Careers by Doing the Right Thing
Daniel Aronson
MIT Press, 2024
8 Livro

O Manual da IA

Dominando a arte rara da implementação do aprendizado das máquinas
Eric Siegel
MIT Press, 2024
7 Book

Design Strategy

Challenges in Wicked Problem Territory
Nancy C. Roberts
MIT Press, 2023
7 Livro

Estratégia de Design

Desafios no âmbito dos problemas complexos
Nancy C. Roberts
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

We, the Data

Human Rights in the Digital Age
Wendy H Wong
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

On the Brink of Utopia

Reinventing Innovation to Solve the World’s Largest Problems
Rafael Laguna de la Vera and Thomas Ramge
MIT Press, 2023
9 Livro

À Beira da Utopia

Reinventando a inovação para resolver os maiores problemas do mundo
Rafael Laguna de la Vera e Thomas Ramge
MIT Press, 2023
9 Livro

Nós, os Dados

Direitos humanos na era digital
Wendy H Wong
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

The Myth That Made Us

How False Beliefs about Racism and Meritocracy Broke Our Economy (and How to Fix It)
Jeff Fuhrer
MIT Press, 2023
8 Book

Democracy in a Hotter Time

Climate Change and Democratic Transformation
David W. Orr
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

The Age of Prediction

Algorithms, AI, and the Shifting Shadows of Risk
Christopher Mason and Igor Tulchinsky
MIT Press, 2023
9 Livro

A Era da Predição

Algoritmos, IA e as sombras voláteis do risco
Christopher Mason e Igor Tulchinsky
MIT Press, 2023
8 Book

The Transformation Myth

Leading Your Organization through Uncertain Times (Management on the Cutting Edge)
Anh Nguyen Phillips et al.
MIT Press, 2023
8 Livro

O Mito da Transformação

Liderando a sua organização em tempos incertos
Anh Nguyen Phillips et al.
MIT Press, 2023
8 Book

Principles of Knowledge Auditing

Foundations for Knowledge Management Implementation
Patrick Lambe
MIT Press, 2023
8 Book

Workforce Ecosystems

Reaching Strategic Goals with People, Partners, and Technologies
Jeff Schwartz et al.
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

More than a Glitch

Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech
Meredith Broussard
MIT Press, 2023
9 Livro

Mais do que uma Falha

Confrontando vieses de raça, gênero e capacidade no mundo da tecnologia
Meredith Broussard
MIT Press, 2023
9 Book

Design for a Better World

Meaningful, Sustainable, Humanity Centered
Donald A. Norman
MIT Press, 2023
9 Livro

Design para um Mundo Melhor

Significativo, sustentável, centrado na humanidade
Donald A. Norman
MIT Press, 2023