
Não basta não ser racista: Sejamos antirracistas

It shows the responsibility of the white people on the fight against the racism and us accepting that we need to change.

Autora: Robin Diangelo Editora: Faro Editorial; Ano: 1ª edição (3 março 2020)
Língua: Português


  Em revisão
Submetido por Marianne Parpinelli
6 de setembro de 2022

  Em revisão
Editado por Vanessa Arruda Machado
23 de setembro de 2022

We are considering the content you've suggested for a summary and will let you know about our decision. Please note that we secure rights for everything we summarize – this may take a while.

Sometimes, we swap a suggested piece of content with another publication that covers the same topic. If we cannot secure the rights for a piece of content, we won't be able to summarize it. We thank you for your understanding if that should be the case with your suggestion.

  Em revisão
Editado por Vanessa Arruda Machado
23 de setembro de 2022

We are considering the content you've suggested for a summary and will let you know about our decision. Please note that we secure rights for everything we summarize – this may take a while.

Sometimes, we swap a suggested piece of content with another publication that covers the same topic. If we cannot secure the rights for a piece of content, we won't be able to summarize it. We thank you for your understanding if that should be the case with your suggestion.

Revisão feita por Vanessa Arruda Machado
26 de setembro de 2022

We are considering the content you've suggested for a summary, and we'll inform you once that summary goes online. Please note that we secure rights for everything we summarize – this may take a while.