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Crunch Point

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Crunch Point

The Secret to Succeeding When It Matters Most


15 мин на чтение
10 основных идей
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Don’t panic when an emergency strikes: Learn how to handle a crisis now; once it hits, you won’t have time.

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“When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout,” joked science fiction writer Robert Heinlein about how to handle a crisis. Well, if that is not an option, how should you handle yourself during an emergency, especially if you are in charge? Unfortunately, too many people freeze when trouble confronts them head-on. While most catastrophes do not send advance warnings, you can prepare yourself for the possibility of a setback. Brian Tracy offers valuable, hands-on information in a short, smart, knockout punch. Tracy describes 21 practical steps you can take to defuse a disaster, get your ship righted and head correctly back on course. getAbstract suggests reading his book if you don’t want to get caught unprepared when a sudden, serious crisis hits you or your company.


Planning for the Unplanned

Nothing ever goes precisely as planned. But why does lightening always seem to strike when you are least prepared? Life is filled with difficult, demanding challenges that can knock you down, but what counts is how quickly you get back up and plunge back into the battle. How is your “response-ability” – that is, your ability to take a punch and keep swinging? Of course, having a plan in advance can help you and your organization recover. Here are 21 proven techniques you can use to tackle any disaster or crisis that, like a heavyweight smack, temporarily puts you or your business on the canvas. Apply them to get back in the fight:

  1. “Stay calm” – With its 100 billion cells, your brain is more complex and capable than the greatest supercomputer ever built. It can store mountains of information, all accessible in a split-second. Your remarkable brain gives you everything you need to master any emergency, but you cannot put your mental powers to work unless you stay calm. This is the most important rule in crisis control. Catch your breath and step back temporarily from the problem. Put it in perspective before you try to...

About the Author

Brian Tracy is a speaker and consultant. He is the author of Flight Plan, Maximum Achievement and Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life, among many other titles.

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