Gavin Sutton
The Business of Learning
How to Bounce Back - Training’s Role in Building Resilience
The Business of Learning Podcast, 2021
To help people build resilience, focus on the learning environment.
Soft skills training is a top priority in organizational learning. In the face of all the change, uncertainty and adversity the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, building resilience has become one of the most sought-after soft skills. In this episode of The Business of Learning podcast, L&D experts Gavin Sutton and Tricia Inderhees exchange best practices for fostering resilience with podcast hosts Michelle Eggleston Schwartz and Sarah Gallo.
About the Podcast
Gavin Sutton is head of learning and development at Ogilvy. Tricia Inderhees is the learning and development consultant leader at the Cincinnati Insurance Companies. Produced by, The Business of Learning podcast focuses on the intersection of business performance and human capital development.
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