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Chris Goodall
The Switch
How Solar, Storage and New Tech Means Cheap Power for All
Profile Books, 2016
Affordable, storable solar energy offers a world-changing, climate-saving shift.
When environmental expert and UK Green Party candidate Chris Goodall refers to “the switch,” he means a climate-saving transition into greater use of alternative energy, particularly solar. He predicts that this transition is coming, and that consumers will see rapid declines in the cost of photovoltaic solar cells and of the batteries needed to store solar energy. In a sometimes-confounding blizzard of facts, Goodall also lays out the current status of alternative renewable energy sources, such as wind and biomass. He explores the revolutionary short- and long-term storage and fuel-making technologies that cheap solar power will require – and will enable. In short, Goodall believes solar can save the planet and he’s glad to tell you why and how. While always politically neutral, getAbstract recommends his avid overview to systems thinkers, green-technology innovators, futurists, investors and students.
About the Author
English entrepreneur, consultant and author Chris Goodall writes about and speaks on sustainability and green energy. In 2010, he stood as a candidate for the UK Green Party. His other books include the influential, Clarion Award-winning How to Live a Low-Carbon Life.
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