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Adam Tanner
What Stays in Vegas
The World of Personal Data – Lifeblood of Big Business – and the End of Privacy as We Know It
Public Affairs, 2014
What happens in Vegas, stays – no, scratch that. Everything you do leaves a data trail.
Businesses didn’t always track customers. They sold their wares based on hunches and experience, and they often radically misunderstood their customer base. Now every major corporation gathers data on its consumers and guides its business with that information. Adam Tanner tells the history of that transformation in this compelling book by following the shifts in data collection in different industries, including casino gambling in Las Vegas. getAbstract recommends his fascinating story to anyone interested in privacy, information, data, business trends or how technology changes society.
About the Author
Adam Tanner worked for Reuters News Agency as its Balkans bureau chief and is a fellow at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science.
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