

9 Article

A Change of Mind

Scientists are Learning to Predict Psychosis Years in Advance – and Possibly Prevent it
Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
Science, 2017
8 Article

A Matter of Trust

Researchers are studying why many consumers are apprehensive about autonomous vehicles, and how to put them at ease.
Matthew Hutson
Science, 2017
9 Article

A Modern Monster

The Lasting Legacy of Frankenstein
Henk van den Belt et al.
Science, 2018
8 Article

A “Technology-Smart” Battery Policy Strategy for Europe

Batteries’ inherent characteristics should inform policies.
Martin Beuse et al.
Science, 2018
7 Article

Advances in Weather Prediction

Better weather and environmental forecasting will continue to improve well-being.
Richard B. Alley et al.
Science, 2019
8 Article

After the Deluge

Twelve years after Hurricane Katrina, social scientists seek lessons from its survivors
Kelly Servick
Science, 2018
8 Article

An Atomic-Scale View of Cyclocarbon Synthesis

Combining organic synthesis with microscopy addresses long-standing bottlenecks in cyclocarbon production.
Sabine Maier
Science, 2019
7 Article

Anti-Inflammatory Prevents Heart Attacks

By vindicating theory, antibody result points to new approaches to protecting the heart
Jennifer Couzin-Frankel
Science, 2017
9 Article

Basic Instincts

Some say artificial intelligence needs to learn like a child.
Matthew Hutson
Science, 2018
8 Article

Bringing Machine Learning to the Masses

Scientists without coding skills adopt easy-to-use artificial intelligence software
Matthew Hutson
Science, 2019
6 Article

Can US States and Cities Overcome Paris Exit?

Emissions will keep declining, but likely not enough for the United States to meet 2025 goal
Warren Cornwall
Science, 2017