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9 Article

Humans Evolved to Exercise

Unlike our ape cousins, humans require high levels of physical activity to be healthy
Herman Pontzer
Scientific American, 2019
9 Article

Machines That Translate Wants into Actions

A new generation of brain-machine interface can deduce what a person wants
Richard Andersen
Scientific American, 2019
9 Article

You Really Can Learn in Your Sleep

Experimental techniques demonstrate how to strengthen memories when our brains are offline
Ken A. Paller and Delphine Oudiette
Scientific American, 2018
9 Article

Intelligent Machines That Learn Like Children

Machines that learn like children provide deep insights into how the mind and body act together to bootstrap knowledge and skills
Diana Kwon
Scientific American, 2018
9 Article

How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World

Neural activity probes your physical surroundings to select just the information needed to survive and flourish
György Buzsáki
Scientific American, 2022
8 Article

Spark Creativity with Thomas Edison’s Napping Technique

Waking yourself from the twilight state just before sleep may help you to solve a challenging problem, a study shows
Bret Stetka
Scientific American, 2021
9 Article

Forestalling a Fatal Decision

Social scientists have begun to close in on new ways to stop people from taking their own lives
Lydia Denworth
Scientific American, 2018
8 Article
Bret Stetka
Scientific American, 2022
8 Article

Why Social Media Makes People Unhappy – And Simple Ways to Fix It

Research suggests platform designs make us lose track of time spent on them and can heighten conflicts, and then we feel upset with ourselves
Daisy Yuhas
Scientific American, 2022
9 Article

Spooky Quantum Action Passes Test

Recent experiments quash the hope that the unsettling phenomenon of quantum entanglement can be explained away
Ronald Hanson and Krister Shalm
Scientific American, 2018
8 Article

Top 10 Emerging Technologies for 2021

Innovations to help tackle societal challenges – especially climate change
Mariette DiChristina et al.
Scientific American, 2021
8 文章
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Scientific American, 2017