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9 Article

End the Phone-Based Childhood Now

The environment in which kids grow up today is hostile to human development.
Jonathan Haidt
The Atlantic, 2024
8 Article

Make Yourself Happy: Be Kind

How to break the negative feedback loop that can make us act mean
Arthur C. Brooks
The Atlantic, 2023
9 Article

Welcome To Pricing Hell

The ubiquitous rise of add-on fees and personalized pricing has turned buying stuff into a game you can’t win.
Christopher Beam
The Atlantic, 2024
9 Article
Olga Khazan
The Atlantic, 2021
9 Article

How to Sleep

Should you drink more coffee? Should you take melatonin? Can you train yourself to need less sleep? A physician’s guide to sleep in a stressful age.
James Hamblin
The Atlantic, 2017
9 Article

The Price of Privacy

Who gets to keep a secret in a hyperconnected world?
Sarah E. Igo
The Atlantic, 2022
9 Article

The Parenting Prophecy

The way someone was raised often shows up in the way they raise their own kids — for better or worse.
Faith Hill
The Atlantic, 2023
8 Article

The Happiest Way to Change Jobs

How to rock your work rather than let the work rule you
Arthur C. Brooks
The Atlantic, 2023
9 Article

Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids

And start raising kind ones.
Adam Grant and Allison Sweet Grant
The Atlantic, 2019
8 Article

What Happens When You’re the Investment

Social capital is becoming economic capital
Rex Woodbury
The Atlantic, 2021
10 Article

Lessons from 19 Years in the Metaverse

A conversation with one of the few people who have real historical perspective on digital communities
Charlie Warzel
The Atlantic, 2022
7 Article

The Secret to a Fight-Free Relationship

Conventional wisdom says that venting is cathartic and that we should never go to bed angry. But couples who save disagreements for scheduled meetings show the benefits of a more patient approach to conflict.
Rhaina Cohen
The Atlantic, 2021