Medium Resúmenes

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8 Article

The Workers at the Frontlines of the AI Revolution

The global labor force of outsourced and contract workers are early adopters of generative AI — and the most at risk
Andrew Deck
Medium, 2023
8 Article

Live Long and Flounder

An Aging Expert on the Looming Crisis of Our Longer Lifespans
Mary Elizabeth Williams and M.T. Connolly
Medium, 2023
8 Video
Ryan Holiday
Medium, 2022
8 Article

The Dirty Work of Cleaning Online Reputations

For a fee, companies will tackle damaging search results. But is the new economy of digital makeovers making things worse:
Paul Gallant
Medium, 2022
8 Article
Ms. Missnatalier
Medium, 2022
8 Article
Gibson Biddle
Medium, 2021
8 Article

The 15 Objects That Defined 2020

From sweatpants to rubber bullets, a year in culture told through the artifacts we’ll never forget.
Rob Walker
Medium, 2020
8 Article

Remote Work Is Killing the Hidden Trillion-Dollar Office Economy

From airlines to Starbucks, a massive part of our economy hinges on white-collar workers returning to the office.
Steve LeVine
Medium, 2020