Pluto Press Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Pluto Press.

7 Libro

Conciencia de dispositivo

Reflexiones, voluntades y acciones colectivas en la era de los medios sociales
Joss Hands
Pluto Press, 2019
8 Libro
Ruslan Dzarasov
Pluto Press, 2013
7 Book

Gadget Consciousness

Collective Thought, Will and Action in the Age of Social Media
Joss Hands
Pluto Press, 2019
7 Book

Iran on the Brink

Rising Workers and Threats of War
Andreas Malm and Shora Esmailian
Pluto Press, 2007
8 Libro

La muerte del homo economicus

Trabajo, deuda y el mito de la acumulación sin fin
Peter Fleming
Pluto Press, 2017
7 Book

Lost in Work

Escaping Capitalism
Amelia Horgan
Pluto Press, 2021
7 Book

Market Failure

A Guide to the Eastern European "Economic Miracle"
Laszlo Andor and Martin Summers
Pluto Press, 1998
9 Book

The Al Jazeera Phenomenon

Critical Perspectives On New Arab Media
Mohamed Zayani
Pluto Press, 2005
8 Book
Ruslan Dzarasov
Pluto Press, 2013
8 Book

The Death of Homo Economicus

Work, Debt and the Myth of Endless Accumulation
Peter Fleming
Pluto Press, 2017
6 Book

The Islamic Republic and the World

Global Dimensions of the Iranian Revolution
Maryam Panah
Pluto Press, 2007
8 Book

Unholy Wars

Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism
John K. Cooley
Pluto Press, 2002