Princeton UP Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Princeton UP.

10 Libro

Adiós a la limosna

Breve historia económica del mundo
Gregory Clark
Princeton UP, 2007
10 Book

A Farewell to Alms

A Brief Economic History of the World
Gregory Clark
Princeton UP, 2007
10 Book

The New Financial Order

Risk in the Twenty-First Century
Robert J. Shiller
Princeton UP, 2003
9 Libro
Kate Abramson
Princeton UP, 2024
9 Book
Kate Abramson
Princeton UP, 2024
9 Libro

A fuego lento

Los costos ocultos de un mundo que se calienta
R. Jisung Park
Princeton UP, 2024
9 Book

Slow Burn

The Hidden Costs of a Warming World
R. Jisung Park
Princeton UP, 2024
9 Book

Virtual You

How Building Your Digital Twin Will Revolutionize Medicine and Change Your Life
Peter Coveney and Roger Highfield
Princeton UP, 2023
9 Book

Work Pray Code

When Work Becomes Religion in Silicon Valley
Carolyn Chen
Princeton UP, 2022
9 Book

Viral Justice

How We Grow the World We Want
Ruha Benjamin
Princeton UP, 2022
9 Book
Carl Gustav Jung
Princeton UP, 1976
9 Book

Cogs and Monsters

What Economics Is, and What It Should Be
Diane Coyle
Princeton UP, 2021