Kogan Page Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de Kogan Page Publishers.

9 Book

The Digital Coaching Revolution

How to Support Employee Development with Coaching Tech
Anna Tavis and Woody Woodward
Kogan Page, 2024
9 Livre

Les technologies d’apprentissage

Guide complet à destination des professionnels de l’apprentissage
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2023
9 Book

Learning Technology

A Complete Guide for Learning Professionals
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2023
9 Book

From Start-Up to Grown-Up

Grow Your Leadership to Grow Your Business
Alisa Cohn
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Livre

Et maintenant ?

Apprenez à gérer le changement dans les périodes d’incertitude
Joan P. Ball
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

Learning at Speed

How to Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce at Pace to Drive Business Performance
Nelson Sivalingam
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

Inspiring Green Consumer Choices

Leverage Neuroscience to Reshape Marketplace Behavior
Michael E. Smith
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

Stop, Ask, Explore

Learn to Navigate Change in Times of Uncertainty
Joan P. Ball
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

The Digital Marketing Handbook

Deliver Powerful Digital Campaigns
Simon Kingsnorth
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

To Be Honest

Lead with the Power of Truth, Justice and Purpose
Ron A. Carucci
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

The New Chameleons

How to Connect with Consumers Who Defy Categorization
Michael R. Solomon
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Livre

La fin du marketing

Comment humaniser votre marque à l’ère des médias sociaux
Carlos Gil
Kogan Page, 2021