Resumos – Naval Institute

Tenha uma visão geral de todos os resumos de Naval Institute Press.

8 Livro

A Liderança no Mar

Um manual sobre a liderança na marinha – Segunda edição
RADM Robert Wray Jr. USN (Ret) et al.
Naval Institute, 2021
9 Book

War Transformed

The Future of Twenty-First-Century Great Power Competition and Conflict
Mick Ryan
Naval Institute, 2022
8 Book

Saltwater Leadership, Second Edition

A Primer on Leadership for the Sea Services, Second Edition
RADM Robert Wray Jr. USN (Ret) et al.
Naval Institute, 2021
8 Book

From the Sea to the C-Suite

Lessons Learned from the Bridge to the Corner Office
VADM Cutler Dawson USN (Ret) and Taylor Baldwin Kiland
Naval Institute, 2019

Reagan's War Stories

A Cold War Presidency
Benjamin Griffin
Naval Institute, 2022
6 Livro

Grandes Poderes, Grandes Estratégias

Uma nova jogada no Mar do Sul da China
Anders Corr
Naval Institute, 2018
6 Book

Great Powers, Grand Strategies

The New Game in the South China Sea
Anders Corr
Naval Institute, 2018