Oxford UP篇摘要

浏览所有Oxford UP摘要

8 Book


Why It's Time to End the War on Everything
Ruben Andersson and David Keen
Oxford UP, 2023
9 Book

Not Just for the Boys

Why We Need More Women in Science
Athene Donald
Oxford UP, 2023
7 Book

The Problem of Democracy

America, the Middle East, and the Rise and Fall of an Idea
Shadi Hamid
Oxford UP, 2022
8 Book

The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy

Weak Power, Great Power, Superpower, Hyperpower
Michael Mandelbaum
Oxford UP, 2022
9 Book
Ben Shneiderman
Oxford UP, 2022
7 Book

Winning at the Acquisition Game

Tools, Templates, and Best Practices Across the M&A Process
Timothy J. Galpin
Oxford UP, 2020
8 Book

Disaster by Choice

How Our Actions Turn Natural Hazards into Catastrophes
Ilan Kelman
Oxford UP, 2020
8 Book

Anti-System Politics

The Crisis of Market Liberalism in Rich Democracies
Jonathan Hopkin
Oxford UP, 2020
8 Book

The Smart Neanderthal

Bird Catching, Cave Art & the Cognitive Revolution
Clive Finlayson
Oxford UP, 2019
9 Book

The Poetry and Music of Science

Comparing Creativity in Science and Art
Tom McLeish
Oxford UP, 2019
8 Book
Sarah Harper
Oxford UP, 2019
8 Book


Inside the Ransom Business
Anja Shortland
Oxford UP, 2019
8 书籍
Oxford UP, 2019
7 Book
Lawrence Freedman
Oxford UP, 2019
7 Book


Mobilization and Power
Aurélie Daher
Oxford UP, 2018
9 Book

Future Politics

Living Together in a World Transformed by Tech
Jamie Susskind
Oxford UP, 2018
9 书籍


Jamie Susskind
Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book

The Third Revolution

Xi Jinping and the New Chinese State
Elizabeth C. Economy
Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book


Liberal Europe in Retreat
Jan Zielonka
Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book

Israeli National Security

A New Strategy for an Era of Change
Charles D. Freilich
Oxford UP, 2018


Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book

End of an Era

How China’s Authoritarian Revival Is Undermining Its Rise
Carl Minzner
Oxford UP, 2018
7 Book


Hungary’s Strongman
Paul Lendvai
Oxford UP, 2018
7 Book

Beyond Sunni and Shia

The Roots of Sectarianism in a Changing Middle East
Frederic Wehrey
Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book

Searching for Boko Haram

A History of Violence in Central Africa
Scott MacEachern
Oxford UP, 2018
7 书籍


Oxford UP, 2018
8 Book

Our Time Has Come

How India Is Making Its Place in the World
Alyssa Ayres
Oxford UP, 2018
9 Book

The Long Hangover

Putin’s New Russia and the Ghosts of the Past
Shaun Walker
Oxford UP, 2018
9 Book

The Elephant in the Brain

Hidden Motives in Everyday Life
Kevin Simler and Robin Hanson
Oxford UP, 2018
9 Book

Leading Professionals

Power, Politics, and Prima Donnas
Laura Empson
Oxford UP, 2017
9 书籍


Laura 劳拉·恩普森
Oxford UP, 2017
8 Book

Yemen Endures

Civil War, Saudi Adventurism and the Future of Arabia
Ginny Hill
Oxford UP, 2017
8 Book


Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World
Paul Collier and Alexander Betts
Oxford UP, 2017
8 书籍


保罗·科利尔 以及 亚历山大·贝茨
Oxford UP, 2017
8 Book

Jihad and Death

The Global Appeal of Islamic State
Olivier Roy
Oxford UP, 2017
8 书籍


奥利维尔•罗伊(Olivier Roy)
Oxford UP, 2017
8 Book

False Dawn

Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East
Steven A. Cook
Oxford UP, 2017
9 Book

The Death of Expertise

The Campaign Against Established Knowledge and Why It Matters
Tom Nichols
Oxford UP, 2017
9 书籍


Oxford UP, 2017
9 Book

Near Abroad

Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus
Gerard Toal
Oxford UP, 2017
7 Book


What Everyone Needs to Know
Michael Axworthy
Oxford UP, 2017
9 Book
Duncan Green
Oxford UP, 2016
9 书籍
Oxford UP, 2016
8 Book
Martin E. P. Seligman et al.
Oxford UP, 2016
8 Book

Revolutionary Iran

A History of the Islamic Republic
Michael Axworthy
Oxford UP, 2016
8 Book


What the "Experts" Got Wrong about the Global Economy
Mark Weisbrot
Oxford UP, 2015
8 书籍


Oxford UP, 2015
9 Book

The Real North Korea

Life and Politics in the Failed Stalinist Utopia
Andrei Lankov
Oxford UP, 2014
7 Book

No Illusions

The Voices of Russia's Future Leaders, with a New Introduction
Ellen Mickiewicz
Oxford UP, 2014
9 Book


A History
Lawrence Freedman
Oxford UP, 2013
9 书籍


Oxford UP, 2013
7 Book

Powers of Persuasion

The Inside Story of British Advertising
Winston Fletcher
Oxford UP, 2008
8 Book


A Very Short Introduction
Malise Ruthven
Oxford UP, 2007
6 Book

Investment Banking

Institutions, Politics, and Law
Alan D. Morrison and William J. Wilhelm Jr,
Oxford UP, 2007
9 Book

The Bottom Billion

Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It
Paul Collier
Oxford UP, 2007
8 Book

Manage Your Mind

The Mental Fitness Guide
Gillian Butler and Tony Hope
Oxford UP, 2007
10 Book

The Accidental Investment Banker

Inside the Decade that Transformed Wall Street
Jonathan A. Knee
Oxford UP, 2006
8 Book


The Role of the Professions in Corporate Governance
John C. Coffee, Jr.
Oxford UP, 2006
8 Book
David Harvey
Oxford UP, 2005
7 Book

The Origins of Value

The Financial Innovations that Created Modern Capital Markets
William N. Goetzmann and K. Geert Rouwenhorst
Oxford UP, 2005