Hurst Publishers Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Hurst Publishers.

7 Book

Belt and Road

The Sinews of Chinese Power
Bruno Macaes
Hurst Publishers, 2018
8 Book
Thomas Rid
Hurst Publishers, 2013
8 Libro
Thomas Rid
Hurst Publishers, 2013
7 Libro

La lucha por Cataluña

La política rebelde en España
Raphael Minder
Hurst Publishers, 2017
7 Book

Russian “Hybrid Warfare”

Resurgence and Politicization
Ofer Fridman
Hurst Publishers, 2018
8 Book

The Road to Somewhere

The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics
David Goodhart
Hurst Publishers, 2017
7 Book

The Struggle for Catalonia

Rebel Politics in Spain
Raphael Minder
Hurst Publishers, 2017
8 Book

Women vs. Capitalism

Why We Can't Have It All in a Free Market Economy
Vicky Pryce
Hurst Publishers, 2020

Work Won't Love You Back

How Devotion to Our Jobs Keeps Us Exploited, Exhausted, and Alone
Sarah Jaffe
Hurst Publishers, 2021