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A Talk from Robin Bew on Hyperglobalisation and Chinese M&A

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A Talk from Robin Bew on Hyperglobalisation and Chinese M&A

Robin Bew Presents at China: Prepare for Opportunity, 2012, Shanghai


5 minutes de lecture
5 points à retenir
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Chinese businesses are embarking on an acquisition quest, and their compasses point west, not south.

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  • Innovative


In recent years, Chinese M&A activity has focused on buying natural resources companies in Africa and Latin America. But China’s long-term goal is access to markets as well as to resources. The Chinese are embarking on an acquisition quest, and their compasses point west. Robin Bew, managing director of the Economist Intelligence Unit, summarizes the challenges Chinese firms face and the steps they can take toward more successful outcomes. getAbstract suggests this succinct, though rather promotional, address to executives on both sides of M&A deals.


Several trends will influence global business in the coming years: The locus of economic demand will shift toward Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. “Hyperglobalization,” the participation of developing as well as developed nations in overseas investing, will soar. Clashes between Eastern and Western styles of running an economy will abound, which will have a knock-on effect on business operations worldwide. Changing demographics will threaten political regimes in the East and create tensions over fiscal policy in the West. By 2030, the combined GDP of the seven largest emerging markets will be significantly larger than that...

About the Author

Robin Bew is the managing director of the Economist Intelligence Unit.

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