
Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative

New research shows that the average U.S. professional is focused on work for 72 hours a week. Forty eight percent of Americans report that their stress level has gone up in the past five years and that the number one source of the stress is job pressure. The convergence of post-financial crisis restructuring and the rise of the smartphone means that many professionals are always on and, therefore, overworked and overwhelmed. What’s the alternative? Clearly, putting in more hours isn’t the answer. The average professional has already reached the point of diminishing returns when it comes to pushing the rock up the hill. In Overworked and Overwhelmed, executive coach and leadership educator Scott Eblin offers another path.

Scott Eblin, Wiley, 2014-10-13
Language: English


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July 21, 2014

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