
Why My Horse Doesn't Drink: Learn to Motivate People Around You

Majority of the books on Motivation are written from the point of view of an employer. Most of the issues are discussed in terms of employer– employee relationships. However, a practising manager has a very limited role as far as job content, design or working conditions are concerned. Nevertheless, he has an important role to play, i.e. creating the right environment for people to feel motivated and perform. Although almost all the books on motivation emphasize the need for creating the right environment, how to do so remains unanswered. This book will help readers create a conducive and congenial work environment. Motivation is like an accelerator in a vehicle. A vehicle keeps moving at the pace decided by its accelerator. The moment the accelerator is reduced, the vehicle’s speed reduces and it may come to a standstill if there is no further acceleration. Alternatively, if brakes are applied, there will be an abrupt reduction in the speed of the vehicle and it may come to a standstill. This is true to human beings as well. As long as they are motivated they keep working and producing extraordinary results. The moment there is a drop in their acceleration (motivation), results start diminishing. Of course, applying brakes (dissatisfaction/demotivation) certainly brings them to a halt. The only difference is that unlike a vehicle, human beings have different types of accelerators and brakes. This book will help readers identify the factors that may accelerate or slow down the speed of their team members. The chapter ‘How to Motivate’ talks about the points that accelerate and the chapter ‘How Not to Demotivate’ explains the factors that may work as brakes to the performance. Thereby readers will be able to make the best use of their vehicle (team members).

Vivek Mehrotra, Viva Books, 2006-12
Language: English


  Being reviewed
Submitted by Vivek Mehrotra
January 7, 2018

Reviewed by Koni Gebistorf
January 24, 2018

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