
Generative Scribing: A Social Art of the 21st Century

Scribing—visually representing ideas while people talk—is a distinct social art form that facilitates group learning and cultural memory. Scribes listen and draw simultaneously, creating large pictures that integrate content, prompt insight, and aid with decision-making. “Generative scribing” extends this art by attending to the field of energy and relation between people, and to the emerging potential of a system. This book frames the key concepts that inform and cultivate a scribe’s inner capacities of being, joining, perceiving, knowing, and drawing. It is for visual practitioners, facilitators, coaches, and organizers, and for anyone who cares about how we exist together as humans. It’s for those who want to explore their interior functioning, to approach the world anew.

Author: Kelvy Bird
Language: English


  Being reviewed
Submitted by Anonymous
April 9, 2018

Reviewed by Koni Gebistorf
April 25, 2018

After considering what we already have in our library and what our demands are at present, we've concluded not to summarize your suggestion. Sometimes we have to turn down even very good suggestions because they don't quite fit into any of our library's categories, because we've already covered the topic extensively, because the suggested content is too old (we focus on releases from the current year), or because we are unable to summarize this content due to legal restrictions. We thank you for your understanding. Please also understand that due to the amount of suggestions we get, we can't elaborate in detail on why we've decided against a particular one, but rest assured that we examine them all diligently.