Zusammenfassungen von Nicholas Brealey Publishing

Alle Zusammenfassungen von Nicholas Brealey auf einen Blick

7 Book

The Crazy Busy Cure

A productivity book for people who don’t have time to read productivity books
Zena Everett
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2021
9 Book

Real Wins

Race, Leadership and How to Define Success
Michelle Moore
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2022
9 Book

The Courage to Advance

Real Life Resilience from the World’s Most Successful Women in Business
Bonnie Hagemann and Lisa Pent
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2021
9 Book
John Amaechi
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2021
8 Book

Changemaker Playbook

The New Physics of Leadership in a World of Explosive Change
Henry F. De Sio Jr.
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2021
9 Book

Crisis Ahead

101 Ways to Prepare for and Bounce Back from Disasters, Scandals and Other Emergencies
Edward Segal
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2020
8 Book

The AI Economy

The Robot Age
Roger Bootle
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2019
8 Book


How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies
Denise Lee Yohn
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2018
9 Book

The Expertise Economy

How the Smartest Companies Use Learning to Engage, Compete and Succeed
Kelly Palmer and David Blake
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2018
7 Book

The Trouble with Europe

Why the EU Isn't Working - How it Can Be Reformed - What Could Take Its Place
Roger Bootle
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2014
8 Book

Inspirational Leadership

Timeless Lessons for Leaders from Shakespeare’s Henry V
Richard Olivier
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2013
8 Book

Big Change at Best Buy

Working Through Hypergrowth to Sustained Excellence
Elizabeth Gibson and Andy Billings
Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2003