Zusammenfassungen von Scientific American

Alle Zusammenfassungen von Scientific American auf einen Blick

8 Article

Are Toxic Political Conversations Changing How We Feel about Objective Truth?

As political polarization grows, the arguments we have with one another may be shifting our understanding of truth itself
Matthew Fisher et al.
Scientific American, 2018
8 Article
Bret Stetka
Scientific American, 2022
8 Article

Could the Next Big Information Technology Be ... DNA?

How DNA is used to store – and generate – information at extreme scales
James E. Dahlman
Scientific American, 2019
8 Article

Droughts and Floods May Level Off until 2050, but Then Watch Out

Strange waves in the jet stream foretell a future full of heat waves and floods
Michael E. Mann
Scientific American, 2019
8 Article

Evolution Research Could Revolutionize Cancer Therapy

Evolutionary studies indicate that the genetic changes enabling a cancer to develop arise shockingly early within the primary tumor. This discovery points to a promising new approach to therapy
Jeffrey P. Townsend
Scientific American, 2018
9 Article

Forestalling a Fatal Decision

Social scientists have begun to close in on new ways to stop people from taking their own lives
Lydia Denworth
Scientific American, 2018
8 Article

Gene Therapy Tackles a Common Birth Defect: Deafness

After false starts, researchers are making progress toward treating deafness with gene therapy
Dina Fine Maron
Scientific American, 2018
9 Article

How the Brain ‘Constructs’ the Outside World

Neural activity probes your physical surroundings to select just the information needed to survive and flourish
György Buzsáki
Scientific American, 2022
9 Article

Humans Evolved to Exercise

Unlike our ape cousins, humans require high levels of physical activity to be healthy
Herman Pontzer
Scientific American, 2019
9 Article

Intelligent Machines That Learn Like Children

Machines that learn like children provide deep insights into how the mind and body act together to bootstrap knowledge and skills
Diana Kwon
Scientific American, 2018
8 Article

Loopy Particle Math

Scientists are creating mathematical tools to identify novel particles and phenomena at the world’s largest particle accelerator
Matthew von Hippel
Scientific American, 2019
9 Article

Machines That Translate Wants into Actions

A new generation of brain-machine interface can deduce what a person wants
Richard Andersen
Scientific American, 2019