Belt and Road Initiative

As part of the ambitious, transcontinental Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) China invests in infrastructure projects abroad to facilitate international trade – and strengthen its geostrategic position.


9 Article

China’s Southern Strategy

Beijing Is Using the Global South to Constrain America
Nadège Rolland
Foreign Affairs, 2022
7 Book

Belt and Road

The Sinews of Chinese Power
Bruno Macaes
Hurst Publishers, 2018
7 Article

Demystifying Belt and Road

The Struggle to Define China’s “Project of the Century”
Yuen Yuen Ang
Foreign Affairs, 2019
9 Article

China’s Belt and Road Could Have Been Great but Now Threatens to Be Disastrous

Is it too late to salvage something good from Beijing’s monumental development project?
Isabel Hilton
Prospect Magazine, 2019
8 Article
Peter Cai
Lowy Institute, 2017
8 Report

“One Belt, One Road”

An Economic Roadmap
The Economist Intelligence Unit
EIU, 2016
8 Report
David Dollar
Brookings Institution, 2016
8 Report
The Economist Intelligence Unit
EIU, 2015

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