Learning at Work Week 2020: Collaboration for Transformation

Let’s enjoy our learning journeys together. What do we want to explore? What are our common interests? What can we learn from each other? How can we together contribute to positive change for work and life?


9 Book

Mastering Collaboration

Make Working Together Less Painful and More Productive
Gretchen Anderson
O'Reilly, 2019
8 Book

Rethinking Positive Thinking

Inside the New Science of Motivation
Gabriele Oettingen
Current, 2014
8 Book

Extraordinary Influence

How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Others
Tim Irwin
Wiley, 2018
7 Book

Disciplined Collaboration

4 Steps to Collaborative Success
Emmanuel Gobillot
Urbane Publications Limited, 2016
7 Book

From Me to We

Why Commercial Collaboration Will Future-Proof Business, Leaders And Personal Success
Janine Garner
Wiley, 2015
8 Book

Collaborating with the Enemy

How to Work with People You Don’t Agree with or Like or Trust
Adam Kahane
Berrett-Koehler, 2017

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