In: Management

Corporate Alliances

What other organization is your perfect match? How can you form the right alliance to benefit your company? Applying the same strategies you'd use for private networking, build a network of alliances to form links with other organizations for your mutual benefit.


8 Podcast
Matt Arsenault
M&A Science, 2022
8 Article
Lars Frølund et al.
MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017
8 Report
Bruce A. Blonigen and Justin R. Pierce
Federal Reserve Board, 2016
8 Article

How Airbnb Stopped Playing Nice

For years, Airbnb was the friendly foil to Uber. But when the stakes got higher, it learned to fight.
Brad Stone
Backchannel, 2017
7 Article
Pia Tischhauser et al.
Boston Consulting Group, 2016
8 Article

Will Amazon Kill FedEx?

For UPS and FedEx, Amazon's been great for business. Now it's taking business away from them.
Devin Leonard
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2016
8 Article

Hedge Fund, Meet Highway

New investments in infrastructure by private asset managers are changing the way the world finances its cities, power systems, and transportation links.
Julien Courbe and Peter Raymond
Strategy+business, 2016
8 Report
EY, 2016
7 Book

Wicked Strategies

How Companies Conquer Complexity and Confound Competitors
John C. Camillus
University of Toronto Press, 2016
8 Report

From Buying Growth to Building Value

Increasing Returns with M&A
Jens Kengelbach et al.
Boston Consulting Group, 2015
9 Report

M&A in China

Getting Deals Done, Making Them Work
Veronique Yang et al.
Boston Consulting Group, 2015
9 Book

Chinese Rules

Mao’s Dog, Deng’s Cat, and Five Timeless Lessons from the Front Lines in China
Tim Clissold
HarperBusiness, 2014