In: Economics

Sharing Economy

Is sharing the new buying/selling? What effect would that have on the economy, and on our society in general?


8 Article

The Sharing Economy Was Always a Scam

‘Sharing’ was supposed to save us. Instead, it became a Trojan horse for a precarious economic future.
Susie Cagle
Medium, 2019

The Zero Marginal Cost Society

The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism
Jeremy Rifkin
St. Martin’s Press, 2014
6 Video
Yochai Benkler et al.
World Economic Forum, 2018
8 Article
Derek Thompson
The Atlantic, 2018
8 Article

The Biggest Legal Crisis Facing Uber Started with a Pile of Vomit

This is the inside story of a landmark legal battle that could fundamentally change not only Uber, but the entire gig economy
James Temperton
Wired UK, 2018
8 Book

Streaming, Sharing, Stealing

Big Data and the Future of Entertainment
Michael D. Smith and Rahul Telang
MIT Press, 2016
8 Article

Facebook, Airbnb, Uber, and the Struggle to Do the Right Thing

How commerce and conscience can fuel success (or fuel outrage) in today’s fraught business climate.
Robert Safian
Fast Company, 2017
8 Article
James Pennington
World Economic Forum, 2017
8 Article
Noam Scheiber
The New York Times, 2017
8 Article

How Airbnb Stopped Playing Nice

For years, Airbnb was the friendly foil to Uber. But when the stakes got higher, it learned to fight.
Brad Stone
Backchannel, 2017
7 Article

Fury Road

Did Uber Steal the Driverless Future from Google?
Max Chafkin and Mark Bergen
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2017
8 Article

Is the Gig Economy Working?

Many liberals have embraced the sharing economy. But can they survive it?
Nathan Heller
The New Yorker, 2017