Bruegel Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Bruegel at a glance.

7 Report
Maria Demertzis et al.
Bruegel, 2020
8 Report
Marek Dabrowski
Bruegel, 2016
8 Report

Brexit and the European Financial System

Mapping Markets, Players and Jobs
Uuriintuya Batsaikhan et al.
Bruegel, 2017
8 Report
Grégory Claeys et al.
Bruegel, 2018
8 Article
Grégory Claeys
Bruegel, 2017
8 Article
Guntram B. Wolff
Bruegel, 2020
7 Report

EU Trade Policy Amid the China–US Clash

Caught in the Cross-Fire?
Anabel González and Nicolas Véron
Bruegel, 2019
7 Report

EU–China Economic Relations to 2025

Building a Common Future
Alicia García-Herrero et al.
Bruegel, 2017
8 Report

Electricity Without Borders

A Plan to Make the Internal Market Work
Georg Zachmann
Bruegel, 2013
7 Report
Inês Gonçalves Raposo and Alexander Lehmann
Bruegel, 2019
9 Report

Europe after Brexit

A Proposal for a Continental Partnership
Jean Pisani-Ferry et al.
Bruegel, 2016
8 Report

Europe in a New World Order

Policy Brief Issue 2, February 2017
Maria Demertzis et al.
Bruegel, 2017
8 Report
Dirk Schoenmaker and Rens van Tilburg
Bruegel, 2016
8 Report
Pia Hüttl and Dirk Schoenmaker
Bruegel, 2016
7 Report
Guntram B. Wolff and Grégory Claeys
Bruegel, 2020
7 Report
Alicia García Herrero
Bruegel, 2020
8 Report

From Start-Up to Scale-Up

Examining Public Policies for the Financing of High-Growth Ventures
Gilles Duruflé et al.
Bruegel, 2017
8 Podcast
Maria Demertzis et al.
Bruegel, 2019
7 Article

International tax debate moves from digital focus to global minimum

International corporate tax reform is coming closer if countries can set aside their differences and work for progress rather than the perfect deal.
Rebecca Christie
Bruegel, 2021
7 Report
André Sapir et al.
Bruegel, 2018
8 Report
André Sapir et al.
Bruegel, 2017
8 Article

Manufacturing in the US

Will Trump’s Strategy Repatriate Highly Paid Jobs?
Guntram B. Wolff
Bruegel, 2017