Buzzfeed Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Buzzfeed at a glance.

9 Article

In 2020, Disinformation Broke the US

Lies about science, civil rights, and the vote itself have turned Americans against one another.
Jane Lytvynenko
Buzzfeed, 2020
9 Article
Chris Hamby
Buzzfeed, 2016
8 Article
Anne Helen Petersen
Buzzfeed, 2019
8 Article

The Real Peril Of Crowdfunding Health Care

On who gets funded — and who gets left behind.
Anne Helen Petersen
Buzzfeed, 2017
8 Article

The New American Slavery

Invited to the U.S., Foreign Workers Find a Nightmare
Jessica Garrison et al.
Buzzfeed, 2015
8 Article

Chasing ISIS

Why Europe Can't Find the Jihadis in Its Midst
Mitch Prothero
Buzzfeed, 2016
7 Article

Infocalypse Now

He Predicted The 2016 Fake News Crisis. Now He's Worried About An Information Apocalypse.
Charlie Warzel
Buzzfeed, 2018
7 Article

60 Words and a War Without End

The Untold Story of the Most Dangerous Sentence in U.S. History
Gregory D. Johnsen
Buzzfeed, 2014