New York Times Magazine Summaries and Reviews

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10 Article

A.I. Is Mastering Language. Should We Trust What It Says?

OpenAI’s GPT-3 and other neural nets can now write original prose with mind-boggling fluency – a development that could have profound implications for the future.
Steven Johnson
New York Times Magazine, 2022
9 Article
Robert F. Worth
New York Times Magazine, 2017
8 Article

Can An Island Feed Itself?

After years of destructive weather that have disrupted Puerto Rico’s food supplies, new visions of local agriculture are taking root.
Moses Velasquez-Manoff
New York Times Magazine, 2022
8 Article
Jesse Singal
New York Times Magazine, 2017
9 Article

Fractured Lands

How the Arab World Came Apart
Scott Anderson
New York Times Magazine, 2016
8 Article
Amanda Hess
New York Times Magazine, 2017
9 Article

RT, Sputnik and Russia’s New Theory of War

How the Kremlin built one of the most powerful information weapons of the 21st century — and why it may be impossible to stop.
Jim Rutenberg
New York Times Magazine, 2017
8 Article
Emily Bazelon
New York Times Magazine, 2020
7 Article

The Fall of China’s Hedge-Fund King

Xu Xiang was a legend in the country’s booming stock market – until the bubble he helped to create took him down with it.
Alex W. Palmer
New York Times Magazine, 2016
8 Article

The Race to Fix Virtual Meetings

Sick of boring grids of heads? A new crop of start-ups aims to bring some serendipity and spark to remote meetings. (The Future of Work)
Yiren Lu
New York Times Magazine, 2021
9 Article

What If Working from Home Goes on…Forever?

Miserable as it can often be, remote work is surprisingly productive – leading many employers to wonder if they’ll ever go back to the office.
Clive Thompson
New York Times Magazine, 2020